I had my serger basics lesson at Stitch with Bex the other day! I brought in my machine, and she gave me a rundown of how to thread it, and we ran a test swatch through. The thread promptly broke, so we switched to one of the shop machines to learn how to actually serge instead of spending the whole hour just threading my machine.
Earlier today I decided to try to thread it again, and the same thing happened. The instruction book is terrible, so I was having a hard time seeing where to put all the threads once they were through the needles. I watched a video online and SUCCESS. It was so straight forward where to put the threads, and it worked immediately.
Look at this craziness…if you need tiny tweezers to thread something you know it’s tricky.
Then I had to find a home for it. I wish I had a sewing room to have both of these out and ready to go at all times, but unless we move, I need to make this place workable. And I actually don’t want to move!
Here’s my solution right now:
Luckily it fits in the expedit!